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Welcome to the
ThinkChoice Global Vaccine Institute

We offer an extensive selection of uncensored information
on childhood shots and other immunizations.

Parents are entitled to a full disclosure of all pertinent data
and freedom to choose whether or not to vaccinate their children.

Inside ThinkChoice...

    Frequently Asked Questions: Many of the e-mail letters and telephone calls that we receive discuss common concerns. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions and our brief responses.

    Individual Vaccines: Click on this link to investigate specific vaccines. We provide a summary of pertinent information, including a description of the disease, plus uncensored vaccine safety and efficacy data.

    Articles: This link includes controversial information that the mainstream media doesn't report, and that your doctor and government authorities would like to suppress.

    Studies: Authorities often claim that "anti-vaccine" websites do not provide valid documentation. We provide hundreds of peer-reviewed studies from scientific and medical journals. Many of these studies link vaccines to the onset of new diseases.

    Personal Stories: Heart-wrenching personal stories by parents whose children were harmed by vaccines. Update: Recent letters

    Support Groups: Several organizations support a parent's right to accept or reject vaccines. This link includes state, national, and international support groups.

    Immunization Laws: Are vaccines mandatory? Do you wish to exempt yourself or family members from the shots? Discover your legal rights.

    Bookstore: Purchase uncensored vaccine books and other important resources.

    Emotional Responses: Our website elicits strong reactions. Some people are deeply grateful for the service we provide. Others are angry and fearful, and oppose the free exchange of vaccine information.

    You may share your thoughts and concerns:


Support for Your Loved Ones

The Flu Vaccine

What You Should Know!

Find out about the government's
Secret Vaccine Database

Should Schools Mandate Vaccines?

7 Reasons This is a BAD Idea

Read some of the world's most
Informative Vaccine Books

The MMR Vaccine

Are Separate Shots Better?

Your Questions and Concerns

With Our Responses

The HPV ("cervical cancer") Vaccine

Uncensored Data

    Special Video Presentations    

Corruption of Science
How Vaccine Studies are Manipulated

Candid Discussion
An Interview with NZM

Aluminum in Vaccines

A Look at the Studies

Overdosed Babies
Is the Current Immunization Schedule Safe?

Several Vaccines
Administered Simultaneously

Can They Hurt Your Baby?

Search the CDC/FDA Database

Serious Vaccine Reactions

Military Vaccines

Resources for Vets and their Families

Student Project
An Act to Encourage Vaccinations

Are Pet Vaccines Safe?
Vaccine Guide for Dogs & Cats

Click Here to Explore
Autism Resources


Chickenpox Vaccine
Is It Really Necessary?

Important Congressional Testimony

on vaccines, MMR and autism.

Anthrax   &   Smallpox

Should We Be Afraid?

The Hepatitis B Vaccine

Is it Safe and Necessary?


Healing Vaccine Damage

The Measles-Cancer Trade-off

Natural Infections Provide Benefits

New Study:
Vaccines & Infant Mortality
by Goldman and Miller (2023)

Vaccines & SIDS
by Neil Z. Miller (2021)

Listen to Neil Z. Miller

Radio Interview on SIDS

Vac vs. Unvac study by Hooker & Miller (2021)

Vac vs. Unvac study by Hooker & Miller (2020)

Aluminum in Childhood Vaccines is Unsafe

Combining Childhood Vaccines is Not Safe

Vaccines, Infant Hospitalizations and Death

Vaccines and Infant Mortality Rates

Special Reports
Vaccine Science vs. Science Fiction
Minority Report: A Covert CDC Program

*  *  Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Vaccine Industry Corruption  *  *

More Vaccine Resources

Autism      Military Vaccines      SIDS

Lawyers      Damage Reversal      Animal Shots

Dr. Wakefield      Holistic Parenting      Other Sites

Recent Letters      Free ebooks      Studies      Videos      Donate

Contact Information:

Thinkchoice Global Vaccine Institute
PO Box 9638
Santa Fe, NM 87504

Important Information

Miller's Review
of Critical Vaccine Studies
400 Important Scientific Papers
Summarized for Parents and Researchers

[Miller's Review of Critical Vaccine Studies]

"If you trust vaccines
to protect you without harm,
then you need to read this book."

--Robert Jay Rowen, MD

     Find out more
about this amazing compilation
of peer-reviewed vaccine research.

Vaccine Safety Manual
For Concerned Families
and Health Practitioners

[Vaccine Safety Manual]

The world's most complete guide
to immunization risks and protection.
352 pages. More than 1,000 studies.

     Find out more
about this indispensable
health manual.

Make an Informed
Vaccine Decision
for the Health of Your Child

[Make an Informed Vaccine Decision by Dr. Mayer Eisenstein]

By Dr. Mayer Eisenstein, MD, JD, MPH

"A MUST READ! Parents will be prepared
to make truly informed decisions
that can affect their children
for generations to come."
--Jerry Kartzinel, MD, FAAP,
Board Certified Pediatrics

     Find out more
about this parent's guide
to childhood shots.

Important Vaccine Study
Vaccines and Infant Mortality:
A Statistically Significant Correlation

Studies and more

Immunization Ploys
30 Dirty Tricks

Interview with Gary Goldman, PhD
on CDC Suppression of Undesirable Vaccine Data

The Simpsonwood Transcripts
Secret "Insider" Information

Polio Vaccine
A Critical Assessment

Aluminum in Childhood Vaccines
Worse than Mercury?

Healthy Kids Without Vaccines!
An intelligent, loving mother
shares her non-vaccinating experiences.

Were you or a family member
damaged from a vaccine?

Be sure to file an official report
with the federal
Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System
(VAERS): 1-800-822-7967.

You may be eligible for compensation.

Search the VAERS Database

Get Involved!
You can make a difference.

Are They Really
Safe & Effective?

[Vaccines: Are They Really Safe?]

Updated and Revised Edition!
* 200,000 copies sold *

     Find out more
about this bestselling
vaccine book.

Spanish Vaccine Book

Read this vaccine book in Spanish

[Vaccine Book in Spanish]

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