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Get Involved

Several Ideas for People Who Understand the Vaccine Problem
and Would Like to Help Make Positive Changes

      The Thinkchoice Global Vaccine Institute often receives telephone calls and emails from concerned people seeking input on how they can get involved educating others about vaccines. Here are a few ideas that can make a difference in the lives of parents and children everywhere.

  • Write an editorial in your local newspaper or an article for a national magazine.

  • Contact local talk-radio stations and request guest speakers on vaccines. Be prepared with one or two contact names and telephone numbers or emails.

  • Start your own vaccine support organization.

  • Develop a newsletter. Include information that you've researched, or solicit articles and data from other individuals and organizations.

  • Organize a vaccine lecture.

  • Purchase vaccine educational materials for resale. (New Atlantean Press can provide generous discounts on wholesale purchases of the vaccine books that they publish. Call 505-983-1856 for more information.)

  • Write your legislators. Let them know that you are concerned about vaccine laws. Try to influence legislation to provide better options for concerned parents.

  • Contact local public health officials and/or social workers to let them know that you are available as a vaccine resource for concerned parents.

  • Contact local and/or national TV stations and request stories on children who have been damaged by vaccines, or investigations into exaggerated pro-vaccine claims.

  • Send information to pregnant celebrities or to famous people who you have reason to believe may be receptive to your data.

  • Coordinate your efforts with other vaccine organizations.

  • Purchase books from the Thinkchoice Bookstore or Make a Contribution to the Thinktwice Global Vaccine Institute. Your support will help us to publish important vaccine information and continually improve this website to reach more people.

These are just a few ideas; you may have some of your own about how to increase vaccine risk-awareness and improve parental options. Remember, parents and children need your support. You can make a difference.

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